Friday, December 14, 2007

End of the Year Already

Not sure where the year went! Its certainly been a busy one.

Fya's had a great end to the year with two challenges in Senior Agility and finishing (finally) her ADX so now a lot closer to her Ag Ch which is great.

Flame has just turned 12 - he retired from Agilty in May and is still sound and happy.

Kindle is certainly keeping him active which can't be bad!!

I need to take some photos of Kin doing some of her foundation work and will post them soon.

Merry Xmas all!!!!


Catching up with the Rellies

At Napier's Champ Agility Show Kin got to catch up with her half-sister Bana and also have some rough and tumble with Geiga her litter sister.

They are all looking really good and we all had great fun!

Kin loves going away to the agilty shows, is happy and relaxed at the shows now and travels really well too.