Saturday, December 27, 2008


Well just home from visiting at Adrienne and Mark's new place so thought I'd best load some photos. A great time was had by all (especially the dogs).

The views below are from the new house!!!
It is truly stunning and a wonderful place for a relaxing break!
On the deck or in the spa with a wine looking at these view was a real hardship.

The paddocks out the back were great fun for getting rid of the dogs' excess energy and the stream at the bottom was a constant source of entertainment.

We managed to get a couple of photos of the oldies together. Someone reminder me recently how important it was to get photos of the older dogs.
These guys are now both 13 years and looking great - Flame and Maya. Born 3 days apart they've spent similar lives and neither really looks their age!
Times flies - just seems like yesterday they were both naughty little puppies.
Kin and Ash provided a couple of photo ops as well up on the hill!
Ash and Kin spent some time screaming around together in the long grass = you can tell its summer in Hawkes Bay!!
Ash also had
lessons in toy acquisition out
of a pool curtesy of Geiga
We also (somehow) finally managed to get all 6 Tervs there in one place at one time.
Home now - for the last few days of the year!
Have a great New Year everyone.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Xmas

Hi all
Well the year is about done and I'm on holiday - yahoo!
I hope everyone has a merry xmas and a great New Year.
Hopefully I will get a couple of photos of Kin's first agility show on 1 Jan and also a couple of Ash at her first Champ breed show as well.
Best Wishes
Fiona, Flame, Fya, Kindle & Ash

Sunday, December 7, 2008

December Already

Well here we are just a couple of weeks from Christmas and the end of the year!

Dont' know where the year has gone but suddenly we have got to that moment. Kin has been entered in her first Jumpers event on New Years day. Not sure we're quite ready but there's only one way to find out. She's training ok and the weave is coming along well too.
Ash went to Feilding with us on Sat - her first time to a show and was very well behaved. We just took her and Fya. My first full day of agility in 6 months and my calf held up so that was good. Fya ran pretty well for 3 runs then slid into a hurdle in the 4th and we withdrew and came home.

It was great to catch up with everyone after so long but it was hot and I'd about had enough by then.

Sunday we took the dogs up to the park for a run and paddle and they had a great time. We took some photos - the first lot with the whole 5 of them!Zip has joined the tribe - my daughter Amanda's dog. He is a 15 month old heading dog and is just lovely. He has fitted in really well and Ash really loves him.
I hope everyone has a great xmas and break from all the work pressures.
Roll on the challenges of 2009!